Say hello

At The Welleth we want to make sure you are having the best experience for you, so please get in touch if you have any questions.

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We have received your message and will get back to you as soon as possible. Our team is dedicated to providing the best support and we appreciate your patience.

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More details:

As a boutique studio, we don’t have reception staff available to take your call – but if you prefer to talk, it’s best to email first and we can call you back at a time when we can give you our full attention.

Frequently asked questions

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What do I wear for class?

Comfortable clothes that you can move easily in – your regular gym gear will do the trick. Bring your grippy socks, a water bottle and a towel too.

Short answer – yes – if you are injury free and have a basic level of fitness. Group classes can be challenging and move relatively quickly, but if you are accustomed to exercise you will be able to dive right in.

Can I do Pilates with an injury or existing condition?

Yes! Pilates is used to help with rehabilitation.

You will need to have an Initial Consultation and/or physio approval so that we can assess your needs and get you on the right track. Depending on your injury this could mean continuing Private Sessions or moving to Group Sessions

Can I just turn up to a class instead?

It is unlikely that you will be able to walk into a class as we are a small studio and spots are limited. :)