If you have more questions do not hesitate to email us at evangalina@thewelleth.com
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Duis penatibus aliquam aliquet neque mollis tincidunt dapibus faucibus at dolor felis sagittis eget ut aenean placerat ullamcorper molestie ante in consectetur turpis elementum tellus massa risus quis sodales.
Duis penatibus aliquam aliquet neque mollis tincidunt dapibus faucibus at dolor felis sagittis eget ut aenean placerat ullamcorper molestie ante in consectetur turpis elementum tellus massa risus quis sodales.
Duis penatibus aliquam aliquet neque mollis tincidunt dapibus faucibus at dolor felis sagittis eget ut aenean placerat ullamcorper molestie ante in consectetur turpis elementum tellus massa risus quis sodales.
You can book into classes directly on our website via the “Book a class” button. Simply search select the date and time, then click book. You can pay online or in store.
Comfortable clothes that you can move easily in – your regular gym gear will do the trick. Bring your grippy socks, a water bottle and a towel too.
Grip socks are a must for safety and sanitary reasons. If you forget your grippy socks, they are available for purchase at the studio
Yes! Pilates is used to help with rehabilitation.
You will need to have an Initial Consultation and/or physio approval so that we can assess your needs and get you on the right track. Depending on your injury this could mean continuing Private Sessions or moving to Group Sessions
Duis penatibus aliquam aliquet neque mollis tincidunt dapibus faucibus at dolor felis sagittis eget ut aenean placerat ullamcorper molestie ante in consectetur turpis elementum tellus massa risus quis arcu sodales at pretium arcu duis ornare lorem nisl facilisis turpis tempor amet id blandit tempor tortor.
Short answer – yes – if you are injury free and have a basic level of fitness. Group classes can be challenging and move relatively quickly, but if you are accustomed to exercise you will be able to dive right in.
Group sessions are not suitable for pregnancy, osteoporosis, pelvic floor conditions, or any current injuries that require movement modification. All of these can be accommodated in Studio Sessions, which are individually tailored classes with maximum of 4 participants.
You are welcome to attend Reformer Starter classes provided you have a low risk pregnancy, have doctors clearance, notify your instructor prior to class and complete the class at your own capability, resting when you need.
However, we do not recommend you start pilates in your third trimester.
All clients need to be over the age of 16 years old to attend classes.
If this is your first class with The Welleth you will not be able to join the class late due to liability of injuries and reformer safety.
You will be asked to return for another class. However, if you are a regular member and are later than 5 minutes after class start time you will not be able to join the class either. Any clients late to class are deemed - late cancel/no show and will loose their class credit.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.